43. “I Don’t Need It, But I Want It”
You might start feeling selfish or even guilty for wanting something you don’t need. But what if I told you that it was okay to want it? Here is your permission slip signed to bring more pleasure into your life.
42. Dr. Mona Singh: A Journey To Optimal Health
One of my clients, Dr. Mona Singh, joins me for a live coaching session. We talk about why working with me is different, successful weight loss, how to navigate your urges, what to do if you find yourself overeating, setting a baseline fitness level, and so much more!
41. “I’m Afraid Of Missing Out”
The fear of missing out is absolutely dreadful. Feeling like you’re missing out on what other people are up to is frustrating and distracting. Let’s talk about turning that fear into fun and showing up for yourself.
40. “I Ruined My Metabolism”
Thinking you’ve irreparably ruined your metabolism through years of crash or yo-yo dieting is a fear that many women have. I want you to know that it is possible to improve your metabolism! By focusing on strength training, the right number of carbohydrates for your body, and working with your Basal Metabolic Rate, you can start to fix your body’s metabolism.
39. “I Am Overwhelmed”
Feeling overwhelmed is something you might feel you have no control over. It’s such a heavy feeling that feels like it’s never going away, especially when you’re looking at your never-ending to-do list. I want you to know that you can choose to not feel overwhelmed, but not only that, you can create a life of contentment.
38. “Exercise Is Stalling My Weight Loss”
The truth is that you might stall or even gain weight when you exercise. There are a few reasons this might happen, but in order to understand why it’s happened to you, you need to determine what your overall goals for starting an exercise routine are.
37. “I Don’t Understand Macros”
Having some level of understanding when it comes to macronutrients is essential if you want to make any kind of body composition changes. In this episode, I’m breaking down what macros are and why each is important for your body. Fat, protein, and carbohydrates all have a unique role in our overall health and yes, you need to eat a balance of all of them!
36. “I Am Not Motivated To Improve My Health”
You can train yourself to be more motivated. It’s true! Especially when it comes to your health - start small, create a realistic plan that you’ll actually stick to, and see the results. I know you’ve tried in the past, but knowing the five steps to create a long-term improvement is the way forward.
35. “I Can’t Have Food Freedom And Achieve Results”
Food freedom might sound like a completely unrealistic option for you. But what if I told you that you can listen to your body, eat more or less what your body needs and wants, and still achieve the results you want? It’s about finding that balance between intuitive eating and making sure the food you do eat is as healthy and nutritious as it can be.
34. "I Don't Lose Weight As Fast As Others"
Comparing your weight loss to someone else’s is a good way to create overgeneralizations in your head and actually stall your weight loss. When you find your happy plan, your healthy weight, and only focus on yourself, it won’t matter what number’s on the scale. All that matters is how you feel on the journey.
33. “I Need To Be In Better Shape To Go To The Gym
Feeling like you need to be in better shape than you currently are in order to go to the gym is a pretty normal thought. But you don’t have to think that, and I can nearly guarantee that the other people in your gym aren’t thinking that about you. We all start somewhere, and for many people, that somewhere is just walking through that gym door.
32. “I Have No Grace For Myself During The Holidays”
The concept of grace is something many women struggle with applying to themselves. When we make a plan for the holidays, or even outside the holidays, and for whatever reasons we don’t stick to it, us perfectionist women can be so hard on ourselves. But what if you learned how you can instead show yourself some grace?
31. “The Holidays Are So Challenging”
Navigating the holidays doesn’t have to be as stressful and challenging as you think it will be. It comes down to having a plan, scheduling that plan into your calendar, setting realistic goals, and actually sticking to them. We’ve got this!
30. “I Feel So Alone”
We can feel lonely even when we’re surrounded by people. Frivolous friendships won’t help you feel less alone; it’s all about creating meaningful connections. What if I told you that the most important relationship to build is the one you have with yourself? Let’s explore how we can curb our loneliness by connecting and loving ourselves.
29. “It's The Most Stressful Time of The Year; But It Doesn't Have to Be”
If you’re dreading the holidays, trust me, you are not alone. From family drama, food choices, and plans changing to stress, upset, and disarray, the holidays are a wild time! Let’s talk about how you can approach them without dread.
28. “I Can’t Let Go Of My Anger”
Holding onto anger doesn’t serve you. But what if I told you you didn’t have to resent these feelings? Let’s explore what happens when we use anger as a positive force in our life.
27. “I Can’t Be Happy Unless I Leave Clinical Medicine”
Feeling like you can’t (or won’t) feel happy unless you leave clinical medicine is a feeling I’m familiar with - and one I know you might be, as well. In this episode, I’m talking about why this isn’t true and how I eventually overcame this belief by changing my thought pattern.
26. “No One Can Do It As Well As Me”
When you fall into the all or nothing thinking that no one else out there can do something as well as you do, you limit yourself on how good your life can actually be. Let’s break down these beliefs and talk about how you can start asking for help when you need it.
25. “Everyone Needs Something From Me”
If you feel like there is always someone who wants more than you’re willing to give, this episode is for you. We’re talking about how you can confidently set boundaries without hurting anyone’s feelings.
24. “I Don’t Know How To Feel Better”
We all find ourselves feeling bad sometimes and just not knowing what to do to even start feeling better. Well, guess what? It is actually possible to learn how to change your feelings! And that’s what we’re talking about in this episode.