74. The Art of Creating Space

We’re all very accomplished women. It took a lot of hard work to get to where we are today. But along the way, many of us forgot how to make the space we need for ourselves. Today, I want to talk about how to identify if we need more space, how to create it, and the benefits that will follow.

To create more space for yourself you should:

  1. Define your priorities

  2. Set boundaries

  3. Find comfort within your new time and space

  4. Allow other people the space that they need

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Identifying if You Need to Create More Space for Yourself

If you feel that you’re constantly giving to others and never have enough time, you need to make more space for yourself. You might have already started to do this. Either way, your health, and happiness rely on this space.

Stay alert for the times when your brain tells you it’s okay to fill the space you just made. Remember, the more we fill the more we can do. Yet, if you fall into this way of thinking, the boundaries that you’ve set up to protect your wellbeing will crumble.

Start by getting clear on your priorities. You only have so much time and energy. Make sure it’s well spent.

What Happens When You Have the Space You Need

A number of wonderful things happen when you make the space you need for yourself. Your creativity will flourish. The irony here is that the more you say no to certain things, the more productive you can actually be.

You’ll also learn to be more comfortable with your thoughts. We’re so conditioned to always be busy than just sitting and thinking has become a rare practice. 

When we create the right space, magic follows. We get more creative. We allow ourselves to live without judgment. We discover truths about ourselves. We find new insight into how we show up.

Homework for Women Physicians

Where do you lack space in your life? What role are you in that needs more space? Let me know how you can make more space in this area in the comments below!

 In This Episode 

  • How to know if you need to create more space [2:55]

  • What happens when you create space for yourself [4:55]

  • Optimizing what space you already have [6:50]

  • Finding comfort in the space you create [13:00]

  • Creating necessary space for other people to benefit ourselves [20:00]


“What happens, particularly in the medical field, is that we somehow lose our ability to relax and to believe that relaxation is necessary.” [1:36]

“I am one that absolutely needs to continue to create. I know that I need to create space and practice creating it because my creativity takes off when I am able to give myself that space.” [7:16]

“When we create space for other people, we are not wasting our energy on things that we can’t control.” [20:26]

Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

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