17. “I Don't Like to Talk About the Money Part of Business” with Dr. Una

Money: it makes the world go ‘round, whether we’re comfortable talking about it or not. I’m joined again by Dr. Una from EntreMD to talk about how physicians can work past money mindset blocks to succeed in their business.

If you haven't listed to my first episode with Dr. Una, you can listen here.

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The Chief Complaint: I Don't Like to Talk About the Money Part of Business

Dr. Una is the CEO of Ivy League Pediatrics, a ten-year-old award-winning private practice. She went from being a great clinician with no idea how to run a business to a serial entrepreneur. 

Armed with her depth of experience and wealth of knowledge, she founded EntreMD, a company designed to fulfill her passion for helping physician entrepreneurs build profitable businesses. She does this through the EntreMD Podcast, conferences, and coaching.

Una joins me today for the second episode of our building your business conversation. In this one, we’re focused on how you can shift through money mindset blocks to actually succeed in business. There’s one thing we both know: you absolutely, no holds barred, have to sell in order to stay in business and make a profit!

We have all grown up having some kind of money beliefs instilled in us by our parents. Whether we’ve grown up thinking that making money is bad, having money makes us greedy, or some other negative belief - Una wants you to know that these beliefs are simply not true. Money is a tool that is neither good nor bad; it’s what you do with it that matters.

If the feeling of having a stack of cash and makes you uncomfortable, I want to ask you: what could you do with that money to change the world? There are so many ways to make positive contributions with money so if you’re that way inclined, let’s make sure you’re making it, am I right?

Una explains why you need to start getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Not only will this help you with your money mindset, but you’ll also find that getting outside your comfort zone is where the real magic happens.

Una shares some great tips for how you can start selling without sounding like those sleazy car salespeople we all know and don’t like. Because I think that’s something common for so many people - we hate the thought of being sold to so we don’t ever want to come across that way ourselves?

Woah, how relatable, right?

But ladies, we physicians are actually natural salespeople. Whether it’s talking to our patients about necessary surgeries or convincing new moms to vaccinate their babies, we’re already well on the way to making great sales for our own businesses.


Here’s a journal prompt for you: What blocks do you have when it comes to money? Did your parents instill in you any beliefs when it comes to earning money, whether in regards to yourself or other people? How did medical school impact your beliefs even more? Let me know in the comments how that was for you!

In This Episode 

  • Why the first thing you need to understand is that you HAVE to sell so you can have a successful business

  • Why selling and earning money in your business is not greed

  • How making money can help you change the world

  • Why you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable to grow your dreams

  • How to avoid feeling sleazy when you’re selling your products and services

  • Why physicians make particularly good salespeople


“The issue is not the selling; the issue is money. And we physicians have a lot of money hangups.” (4:58)

“The truth is not that they don’t have money. They don’t value it enough, they don’t see the need, they don’t have the urgency, and so they say they don’t have money so that you’ll leave them alone.” (11:37)

“When you cross over to the business world, you can’t stay immersed in the medical world and start to think differently. You need to be in a group where people think like you want to think.” (24:00)

Resources Mentioned

Listen to The EntreMD Podcast 

Find Dr. Una, the EntreMD Online

Follow Dr. Una on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

Follow Dr. Ali Novitsky on TikTokFacebook | Instagram | YouTube

Subscribe to The Muscles and Mindset Podcast on Apple Podcasts 

This is not medical advice. 


18. “I Am Afraid That I’m Burning Out” with Dr. Amelia Bueche


16. “I Don’t Know How To Start My Business” with Dr. Una