49. Dr. Andrea Strathman On Achieving Sustainable Results
Have you ever considered that just taking 10 minutes a day for yourself could change your whole life? Sometimes it is hard to commit to something long-term because it feels like a commitment to forever, but in reality, all it takes is small, incremental changes that can lead to significant long-term results.
If You Are Committed To Making A Full Life Transformation You Should:
Stop being afraid of failure and start implementing small healthy habits into your routine
Find an intuitive approach to eating and exercise that fits into your lifestyle
Adapt strategies that help you feel more comfortable in your skin
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A Full Life Transformation with Dr. Andrea Strathman
Dr. Andrea Strathman is an Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at Wake Forest Medical Center who specializes in Neuroanesthesiology. Over the past three years, Andrea has lost 55 pounds and maintained it through my Mindful Macro’s plan. She has seen a total life transformation in every area of her life and is here to share her amazing and inspirational story.
How 10 Minutes Changed Everything
Back in 2018, Andrea was letting her personal health and happiness take a back seat to everything else in her life. Then she was introduced to a daily 10-minute workout challenge I was hosting; things started to change. Once Andrea recognized that her engrained thoughts around her relationship with food were sabotaging the health changes that she wanted to make, achieving significant sustainable results came easily.
Combining my Mindful Macro’s plan with an intuitive approach to eating and a mindset shift towards daily exercise, Andrea adapted these strategies to work into her own life easier and has never looked back.
You Are Worth It
Andrea wants you to know that it is worth whatever time you have, even if it is just incremental baby steps, to make yourself better. Feeling more confident in her own skin has improved everything in Andrea’s life, from her family to her work, without making drastic changes in her daily routine. It doesn't take a lot of time or energy to feel better and create long-term sustainable habits, and you are worth it.
Homework for Women Physicians
What is one habit that you are implementing into your daily routine? How has it made you feel about your body and your life? Share your results with me in the comments below!
In This Episode
How taking 10 minutes a day for herself completely changed Andrea’s world (3:17)
Tips for approaching health changes to achieve significant sustainable results (8:20)
Why a backslide is not the end of the world and how you can handle the plateaus with grace (14:24)
Look inside the journey from hating exercise to it becoming a regular enjoyable habit (16:22)
How understanding your unique body type can impact how you view yourself (19:11)
“Taking 10 minutes a day for myself doesn't sound like a big deal, but for me, at that point in my life, it was a huge deal. And that is what sort of started me thinking, ‘maybe things can be different, and maybe I can make some changes'.” (3:50)
“The thought part of it, as far as revamping my feelings about taking care of myself and my relationship with food, was a huge part of it. But the actual implementation of it was way easier than I could have ever expected.” (9:01)
“Using the Mindful Macro’s plan that Ali teaches is incredibly simple and totally adaptable and can be done any time, any place, anywhere. When you are on call, when you are at the hospital, it's easy because it's normal food.” (10:18)
“This is a way that I can channel some of my energy, negative energy for sure. It is way better than going and eating a pint of ice cream that is going to make me feel terrible afterward. Instead, if I feel bad, I go exercise, and it's great, I feel better, I didn't sabotage myself, and I got some movement in. The more I did it, the more I wanted to do it.” (18:02)
“Being more comfortable in my own skin has made me more confident in all aspects of my life.” (22:33)
Resources Mentioned
31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.
Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.
Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.
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