81. Say "Yes" to Yourself
When is the last time you said “yes” to yourself? I bet it was a long time ago, right? What if I told you that by saying “yes” to yourself, you can cultivate a life of happiness, contentment, and compassion that will elevate your quality of life to new levels. Let’s look at how you can change your thought patterns to create more fabulous feelings that truly honor yourself.
How to Say “Yes” To Yourself
Notice where in your life feels sticky
Identify the thoughts that make that feel sticky
Decide if that’s what you want
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What Happens When You Say “Yes”
Saying “yes” to yourself is a revolution that will absolutely change your life. You will feel freer while, at the same time, more in control of your life than ever before. But conditioning makes it so much easier to deny what we really want.
A magical, wonderful thing happens when you start to honor yourself and say “yes” to your true desires. You gain confidence, happiness, and charisma… and when this happens, you’re less likely to seek external validation. But not only that: people will feel compelled to agree with what *you* want because of how much you’re lighting up with it.
Being stuck in an endless cycle of denial and saying “no” to yourself will inevitably make life start to feel sticky. I want you to look at what areas of your life feel this way so you can start identifying the barriers you have to honoring yourself.
How to Say “Yes” to Yourself
So how do we even make it possible to say “yes” to ourselves? It starts with identifying those sticky spots and starting to understand the thoughts behind them. We know from previous episodes how our thoughts are not facts, so it really is about getting to the root of the thought models holding us in denial.
Once you’ve identified these thought models, you can start to feel and understand how they’re limiting you. We’re so conditioned to accept our “no” that transforming it to a “yes” feels impossible. But it’s not enough to just change your thoughts.
Let’s explore how to create more of the feeling saying “yes” brings you. Cultivating that feeling leads to you saying “yes” to yourself more often. And these practices lead to a healthier, happier, more authentic life.
How will you say “yes” to yourself today? What can you do today that is in the highest honor of yourself? Let me know in the comments below!
In This Episode
What happens when you start saying “yes” to yourself [8:15]
How saying “yes” to yourself helps with external validation [12:30]
How saying “no” to yourself constantly makes life sticky [17:00]
Why it’s not enough to just change your thoughts [21:00]
How to turn your thoughts back to a “yes” [25:30]
“Saying “yes” to yourself sometimes means giving up the control. You don’t have to control every little thing. Sometimes saying “yes” to yourself is just trusting that it will be okay. Trusting that you can just be you. You do you. Trust in that and let the experts do their job.” [10:15]
“When I say “yes” to myself, my thoughts are such that other people are saying “yes” to me also.” [12:23]
“It’s not that we’re supposed to rush out of these feelings. We’re not supposed to rush out of these thoughts. We’re not supposed to change our life overnight. This is the long game, my friends. It is little by little.” [24:22]
Resources Mentioned
31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.
Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.
Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.
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