167. Stop Trying to Fit

We feel so much pressure from all around us to fit into the neat little boxes that society thinks we should. What if I told you that you don’t need to fit in? Life will expand for you when you’re living as your authentic self. This episode is all about curating your space to honor the truth of who you are.

How to Curate the Space We Are Meant to Fit Into

  1. Define who you are and how you show up

  2. Cut the ties of the things keeping you where you are 

  3. Stick with the people that want to help you grow

  4. Dive into what you desire

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Stop Trying to Fit In

Curating your life starts with self-reflection. Look at the things in your life that impact YOU. What’s going well in your life? What’s not? Examining your own life is the essential first step to defining who you are and what you want out of your life.

You might find that some parts of your life don’t serve you. While this is difficult to realize, removing these parts of your life will positively impact your becoming the truest version of yourself. It’s about curating the space you want to live in, where you can truly be yourself.

Curate Your Space

Go beyond where you’ve gone before. Step outside your comfort zone. That comfort zone probably isn’t even comfortable, is it? It’s just where society says you should be comfortable.

Surround yourself with people who will support you throughout your changes. Who encourages you to step into the best version of yourself, who will be there to help you grow. These people are the good ones that belong in your curated space.

Are you willing to go into a space that is custom curated for you? Let me know in the comments below what it will take for you to get there.

 In This Episode 

  • The importance of examining your own life [1:00]

  • Why we need to curate space that fits us perfectly [5:15]

  • What it looks like to go where you haven’t gone before [16:45]

  • The importance of supportive people [24:30]


“When we direct things inward, what we do is focus on things that we can control.” [2:05]

“Doesn’t it seem interesting that our pursuit in life and our quest in life is to find out who we are authentically? When we are born, we are authentically us. I believe that a lot of the qualities that we show very early on are authentically us.” [4:04]

“I was always this person. I was always meant to be who I am. Always. It doesn’t matter what circumstance happened, the circumstances allowed me to see myself. They allowed me to come into my own, they allowed me to know me better.” [13:31]

“Where it’s more comfortable isn’t actually comfortable. It’s what society says will be comfortable if you can just do it perfectly.” [16:17]

“If you are surrounding yourself in spaces where others are not owning their own emotional health, their own feelings… Get out. Or set a boundary. Or do something. That is going to prohibit your growth into your own space that you deserve to be in.” [25:39]

“Don’t fit into spaces that you were never supposed to fit into. That’s not the most road traveled.” [29:59] 

Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

Transform® 8.0 deposit link is now open. Sign up HERE.

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