51. Dr. Daisy Ramirez-Estrada On Learning to Prioritize Self-Care
When you start putting yourself first, your life can absolutely change for the better. We’re so used to coming last in our list of priorities, but it’s detrimental to all aspects of our life. Dr. Daisy Ramirez-Estrada joins me to speak about how she’s transformed her life through life coaching, where she learned to prioritize herself and self-care.
What Makes a Sustainable Exercise Routine?
It’s Easy
It’s Enjoyable
You Believe You Can Do It
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About Dr. Daisy Ramirez-Estrada
Dr. Daisy Ramirez-Estrada, MD is a Family Medicine Specialist in San Antonio, TX.
Prioritizing Yourself
As busy physicians, it’s so common for us to actually stop prioritizing ourselves. There’s our practices, families, friends, social and community obligations… how in the world are you supposed to fit time for yourself in there?
But when you start to put yourself first, as Dr. Daisy Ramirez-Estrada did, your whole life can change. Daisy shares why she decided to invest in life coaching and the incredible mental transformation she had. Life coaching can help you start believing in yourself and believing that you’re capable of achieving anything you desire.
Daisy might have started her life coaching journey with the sole intention to lose weight, but she quickly realized how many more positive impacts it has. Daisy explains how she changed her mindset to health and wellness, choosing to stop focusing on losing weight.
Actual Transformation Results
One of the biggest transformations Daisy had was realizing that she really could eat whatever she wanted and still stick to her health goals. It’s all about those mindful macros. Enjoying that food freedom has definitely helped Daisy prioritize her own self-care.
Daisy describes some of the results she’s had since working with me through life coaching. From better mental health and a much bigger emphasis on self-care to physical benefits, she’s starting to live her best life.
Finally, Daisy shares how her life changed when she started putting herself first. She has a career she loves, started her own life coaching business, and feels good and happy every day. What a transformation!
Homework for Women Physicians
How would your life change if you put yourself first? What food feels like the yummiest self-care to you? Let me know in the comments below!
In This Episode
How life coaching can help you start believing in yourself [7:00]
What happens when you change your mindset about wellness and exercise [11:00]
How to eat whatever you want while still maintaining your health goals [18:00]
Some measurable results of following the Transform plan [20:30]
How your life can change when you start prioritizing yourself [22:00]
“I realized the relationship I needed to work on was the relationship with myself. I had lost confidence, I did not believe in myself, I didn’t think I could do things. I was stuck.” [9:10]
“I think I used to focus so much on the scale, thinking I have to lose weight and look a certain way. Working on myself, loving myself the way I am now, doesn’t mean I’m not going to continue working on my goals, but just being content with what I look like now and not having weight loss as a goal, I focus on feeling good after I exercise or eat well. It’s doing it for myself, not for anyone else.” [15:30]
“I feel really confident about how I handle my meals. I’m not beating myself up anymore over what I was doing, eating, or even not exercising. Now I give myself grace and I’m content. I feel like I’m on this journey, I’m working on it, I’m making progress, and I’m good. I feel good. I’m in a good place in my life.” [21:09]
Resources Mentioned
31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.
Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.
Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.
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