117. Redefining You

You can redefine yourself at any time. It’s a process of rediscovery and self-awareness that lets you truly step into yourself and be yourself authentically. I’m breaking down the necessary steps along this journey, starting with actually identifying what your priorities are.

How to Redefine Yourself

  1. Look at your priorities

  2. Give yourself permission to allow your priorities to shift and change

  3. Create space to make changes

  4. Pulling back or adding on priorities

  5. Show up as yourself authentically

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Priorities and Your Identity

Your priorities are a vital part of your identity. The way you structure them, order them in importance, and connect with them all help to make up parts of who you are. But when you’re ready to redefine yourself, you need to look at all of your priorities to see how to shift and change them.

Step two in your redefinition is changing the weights of your priorities - and giving yourself permission to do so. Changing what priorities to focus on – whether you’re taking some responsibilities away… or adding new ones in! – is daunting. But you can do it1

You owe it to yourself to honor and separate all your different roles. Once you’ve started doing this, you can more easily step into who you authentically are!

Redefine Your Authenticity

Next, you need to create space in your life to start making these changes. Your priority restructuring might include adding new ones or you could be taking some away – or both. Regardless of what changes you’re making, having the space to restructure is essential.

The most important thing you need to understand is that each step you make to restructure, redefine, and rediscover is a step towards living as your authentic self. 

And when you’re showing up as your authentic self, you become more peaceful, more content, and more sound. You’re living your life in a way that feels better to you – and that means that everyone around you will benefit from your elevated state of being.

What priorities are you ready to shift? What steps to redefining yourself will you take right away?

 In This Episode 

  • What it means to redefine yourself [2:00]

  • The relationship between redefining yourself and rediscovering yourself [3:30]

  • How redefining your priorities is a form of redefining yourself [4:15]

  • The importance of honoring and separating all your different roles [8:00]

  • Why whether you’re adding or taking away priorities, you still have to restructure [14:30]

  • How redefining yourself relates to authenticity [15:30]

  • When it’s okay to add more priorities into your life [18:00]


“Redefining you could actually look a lot like you stripping away some of the things that currently exist in your life.” [2:30]

“What I found was that I needed to rebalance and reshift my priorities, and because of that, everybody benefits. If I am more peaceful, more content, more sound, if I’m redefining my life in a way that feels better, everyone will benefit because the way I show up is going to be so much more elevated.” [8:38]

“We still have to be very clear that our priorities are very important and how can we strategize them in a way that’s going to allow us to go to that space that feels very authentic to us.” [15:12]

“Sometimes we have to pull back to move ahead and sometimes we have to add on to move on. Remember, we’re always reevaluating because this can always be changing.” [25:04]

“We can only control how we show up. This whole evolution, which I plan to continue, is this process of evaluation and awareness, pulling back, pushing ahead, staying put, and shifting things. That’s why I say that everything is truly within your reach. It just takes a little bit of space to think this through so you can be very thoughtful and careful as you proceed ahead.” [27:45]

Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

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This is not medical advice.

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