173. Let's Get Uncomfortable
Getting uncomfortable doesn’t have to be a negative experience. You can use those uncomfortable feelings to experience something new, push yourself, show up as your authentic self, and even experience massive growth. It’s all about having fun with getting uncomfortable and seeing what magic can happen.
Key Takeaways
How can you keep staying in the moment, noticing we’re uncomfortable, and choosing a solution, within reason, to push those levels? We get to decide that we’re safe in areas that we didn’t realize we were safe in before.
If you can push those boundaries of comfort and discomfort, it’s what you probably need to do to get to the next level of where you need to get.
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The Benefits of Getting Uncomfortable
Getting uncomfortable and spending time outside of your comfort zone can have benefits. It helps push your limits and allows you to reach new growth. The best part? It is totally possible to have fun while you’re getting uncomfortable.
When you are uncomfortable, you are in a prime position to enter a growth mindset. When you’re growing, you’re more likely to be open to new experiences, even if they are uncomfortable. Something to keep in mind is how you feel in these situations, where you can be the authentic version of yourself – how do you channel that person?
Growth in Being Uncomfortable
There is a certain beauty that comes with being uncomfortable. You get to choose, in those moments, to be with that discomfort and push your comfort zone. Do you want to be in this situation? Sometimes, you feel uncomfortable when you don’t want to do something – and this gives you permission to consider an alternative.
It’s okay to be uncomfortable. Your body instinctively knows whether you are in a safe or unsafe situation. If you’re uncomfortable and you’re safe, you are in a position to experience massive growth. How fun is that?
What is your comfort zone? What are the parameters that contain your safe space? Let me know in the comments below how it makes you feel to be uncomfortable.
In This Episode
What it’s like to get uncomfortable [2:00]
How to enter a growth mindset [8:00]
Why you have to get rid of the all-or-none thinking [12:00]
The beauty in being uncomfortable [21:00]
How a group can support you when you feel uncomfortable [24:30]
How being uncomfortable can lead to massive growth [25:30]
“I want to really challenge you here. Are we sure that you aren’t already living in or out of your comfort zone? You might already be there. You might already be testing the waters and doing those things. What if we pushed just a little bit further.” [4:45]
“A lot of times, we feel really uncomfortable because we’re afraid to say that we don’t want to do it.” [11:53]
“We are all so uniquely different, and we need to celebrate that. The way we can celebrate that is, first, by standing up for who we are. Then, really finding a space where there is space for us to do that. That’s when you know you’ve found a safe space. You can be exactly who you are, and you can show up into the space, and you can feel received and supported.” [13:14]
“When you’re feeling very uncomfortable, and it feels like you don’t want to do it, consider an alternative. ‘This is very uncomfortable, and I’m also kind of curious.’ ‘This is very uncomfortable, and so what? Nothing is going to happen, I’m safe.’” [18:04]
“When we say ‘get uncomfortable,’ the idea is that you acknowledge that you’re not comfortable, and that’s okay. You can trust yourself to know if it’s safe or unsafe.” [21:40]
“If you are mindful and in the moment to know that you are uncomfortable, that is going to be prime time for some massive growth. You are cued in, you are engaged, and you’re ready to make the next best decision.” [25:47]
Resources Mentioned
31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.
Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.
Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.
Transform® 8.0 deposit link is now open. Sign up HERE.
Episode 193: Creating Your Don’t Do List in 2024. Listen HERE.
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